I think it would be wise to reread the End User License Agreement
(EULA) that came with your Windows system to assure yourself you are
permitted to do that.

If you have Win98 and it was fully installed, not jury-rigged by some
ready-made, there is a file called bootdisk.bat in your \windows\command
directory which will make a marvelous recovery floppy, (or complain
about missing files if the system was preloaded by the usual gang at the
factory).   Your win98 CD is bootable.  Win95 no such luck.

But why would you want to do this?  I can see making a backup, but not a
bootable recovery CD when a floppy is all that is needed.


duncan hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can anyone tell me how I can make a dos bootable cd under linux?
> My cd burner is scsi and the only scsi box I have is my linux
> workstation. I want to make a bootable recover CD for windows.
> Thanks
> Dunc

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