On Wed, 06 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > The subject line says it all...got a greenhorn that will be adding users
> > to a machine and adduser <username> then passwd <username> then go and
> > create their home dir's etc just will be to much for them to comprehend.
> > 
> > anything like a BSD adduser? I did a search of rpmfind and dug through
> > contrib.redhat.com but didnt find anything...but I most probably could
> > have missed it.
> > 
> AFAIK, you won't need to create the home directories.... I
> just did a test here and created a user (I was in a Konsole
> window) and when I did "adduser" and "passwd user" it
> created the directory complete with all the KDE stuff!
>       John

I know what your looking for we run BSD servers (their adduser script is quite
superior).  I would suggest writing your own its actually quite simple.  look at
the different switched for adduser "adduser --help" then write a perl script to
execute it with the given arguments.

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