Does anyone know how to get True Type fonts working with Mandrake 6.0? 

After I figured out they were not on by default I tried to enable then
using xfs.  I went to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ttfonts/ and ran
'ttmkfdir -o fonts.scale'.  Then I used mkfontdir to create the
fonts.dir file.  I restarted xfs and, viola! all of my subsequent
X-apps hung.  I couldn't even log out of KDE; I had to go to a tty
screen and 'telinit 3' to get control back.  When I tried 'telinit 5'
to restart X the server tried to start -- and tried and tried and
tried...  This worked with xfstt on my RH 5.2 install but apparently
there is something else required for xfs.

I finally hit Crtl-Alt-Delete, booted to runlevel three and commented
out the ttfonts directory in /etc/X11/fs/config.  I am back in
business but without True Type fonts

True Type is supposed to work in Mandrake but how?

Stephen Carville
There are two kinds of people: those who do the work and those
who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less      
competition there. 
                                        Indira Gandhi

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