On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Brian Millar wrote:
> > I am having no trouble with the distance. Like i said i can get both cards
> > working fine. ( to test the two cards i gave the wireless eth1 card a real ip..
> > and BANG.. this computer is able to browse the net.. and download at 50k/sec. i
> > put eth0 at (right now all my home computers are on this 90.0.0.XXX
> > network.) and set up squid. now all home computers can browse the net through
> > the proxy.
> > 
> > Although i need all of my home computers to have real ip's (some of the class c
> > i use at the office)
> > 
> > My problem is that after doing everything the bridge howto says to do, it just
> > doesn't work. tcpdump on each eth interface shows the same traffic!
> > 
> > I am getting over 50 % signal to my house with the wireless nic
> > 
> > i need a bridge (not a router) because i am extending the same class c network
> > to a different location.
> This is no help to you.... but this is definitely a bridge/route
> problem and nothing to do with the fact its a wireless NIC card.
> I am sure you would have the same problem if you took the wavelan
> out and instead used regular NIC's.
> Check out this site: http://www.linux-router.org   The fellow that
> has the site is Dave Cinege.  He started out by using routers
> and bridges using the cheap, surplus ISA Wavelan Cards that you
> can get for $50.  He is a guru on them, as well as routing and
> bridging.  If the site does not have anything useful to you, give
> him a phone call or email him and I am sure he will fix you right
> up.

thanks for the reply. BTW the link is http://www.linuxrouter.org

Originally when i started this project, i was hoping to use the lrp do make the
brigde.. after all is sounds VERY easy. the problem was though that my wireless
card is pcmcia.. and apparently pcmcia wasn't supported. although i remember
seeing some docs about an experimental package. I'll look into more i guess.


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