I was using the infomagic workgroup server for quite a while.

I had two servers fried by the electrical setup in this building.

(separate circuits with a common neutral was triggering my UPS every time someone

 used the copier.  Then with depleted battery I got a series of rapid power 
cycles--not completely off-

just to a brownout stage every time someone hit the start button on the copier, and 
lasting 15-20 seconds.

Well, that problem is corrected, and next time I'll inspect the electrical circuits 
myself instead of relying on electricians and as-builts.

Now, I have a server built from scraps until the budget can be modified.  The scraps 
include a drive the Workgroup Server cannot handle.

I seem to have most things working.  The email goes out.  The email comes in and is 
queued, and there is a pop3d running.

The user files have been preserved through all of this, and they were assigned back to 
the users as I loaded new user info.

Passwords for Samba were also generated.

The winboxes out there can see their home directories but cannot connect to them.

The error message is the typical Windows (share cannot be found, check your spelling)

THe email appears to connect but we get POP3 error, contact your system administrator.

It appears to be an authentication problem.  What has changed?  My soon to be migrated 

are all enabled for plain text passwords, and so is samba on the spit and string 

Logs show permission denied for Samba connections (for changing directory to user's 
home directory).  Normal movement of mail is recorded.

Can anyone see the obvious that I must be missing?


visit http://homepages.msn.com/invalid_url  ....
Is Microsoft afraid to pay itself license fees for IIS?
Sure looks like an Apache (open-source) Signature to me

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