Maybe it has to do with newer configuration avoiding your box being used
as a relay for spamming? That may be blocking anything that is not
internal to you machine?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Herman Van Keer (softouch) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 1:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Sendmail question: catch-all Email address?
> Ian Douglas wrote:
> > > That's what I thought the alias file is for:
> > > it redirects something@host to someoneelse@host.
> >
> > Not necessarily.
> >
> > I use it to direct [EMAIL PROTECTED] Email to 
> I am very glad to see this confirmed.
> Only when I try it: it doesn't work.
> I have sendmail running and as soon as I try to add external 
> addresses: it
> complaints.... about external addresses.
> Both domains are in my file.
> Can you give me hints on how to work this out?
> >
> > But what I'm LOOKING for is an alias or sendmail setup that 
> will catch all
> > incoming Email that will normally bounce back to the sender 
> because the
> > user account or a matching alias does not exist, and 
> redirect the message
> > to another user account or alias...
> I understand... but thought this has to be setup in a virtual 
> user table or a
> virtual host table....
> I've done some reading about this, but couldn't get it running.
> So I would appreciate some hints (would be nice for you too,eh?)
> Herman

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