Dear friends:

I am a Russian translator and I listen to RFE (Radio Free Europe)
Russian Service all the time. For some reason, I have been having a
problem accessing it, as user and root, the past two days. No problem,
basically, with
other sites and I had no problem installing RealPlayerG2 for Linux. Yet
both RFE and several listeners confirm that there is nothing wrong with
transmission itself. What could be wrong, please?

Could you please check the following URL and let me know if you can
access it:
Click on Listen to the right.
I get a strange error message (Server Alert) telling me that either my
bandwidth isn't fast enough or my CPU is not powerful enough. I have
ADSL broadband and an AMd k6-2 400 Mhrtz compute with 128 megs of real
RAM. So that couldn't be the problem. I have no problem accessing other
sites, though I notice that they are slower than usual and often stop.

My RealPlayer G2 is located at:


[sher@adsl-77-232-172 sher]$ whereis RealPlayerG2
RealPlayerG2: /usr/local/RealPlayerG2
[sher@adsl-77-232-172 sher]$ su -
[root@adsl-77-232-172 /root]# whereis RealPlayerG2
RealPlayerG2: /usr/local/RealPlayerG2
[root@adsl-77-232-172 /root]# cd /usr/local/RealPlayerG2
[root@adsl-77-232-172 RealPlayerG2]# ls
Codecs  Help     Mailcap     Plugins  audiosig.rm
Common  LICENSE  Mime.types  README   realplay
[root@adsl-77-232-172 RealPlayerG2]#    

In Netscape, I made sure the suffixes (ra,ram,rm) were there as they
should be and the application was handled by:

/usr/local/RealPlayerG2/realplay %s

By the way, what's the difference between adding %s and adding %u (as
someone at suggested)?

I have written to RealPlayer and RFE but I don't know if they can help.

I have also tried to change the transport to HTTP but that hasn't
worked, either. 

Being a newbie, I personally do not understand the issues involved.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated, to say the least.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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