> total 440
> drwxrwxr-x    2 root     mail         1024 Oct 18 00:01 .
> drwxr-xr-x   18 root     root         1024 Oct 15 17:07 ..
> -rw-------    1 root     root       444947 Oct 18 00:01 root
> [sher@adsl-77-232-172 mail]$

        I may have missed the plot somewhere along the line; if so, blame it on
Netscape's threading of my mail, and thrash this.  But it looks like you
have run fetchmailconf as root.  A quick check would be to see if the
file .fetchmailrc is in your home dir or in root's.  Your mail has
apparently been downloaded by fetchmail, but kept in root's mailbox, and
PINE would not have permission to access that.

Tell us the outcome.

Ronald Yeo

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