are you sure it isn't a ping to the broadcast address of your network?
this can cause 10 megabytes of ping from .1544 megabytes of T1, ringing
your net like a bell.  It is called a smurf attack. 

  What is your main router to the internet? if it is a cisco, then set

no ip-directed broadcast

  if ascend, make sure you are on the latest software version and set

Reply DirectedBcast Ping = no


On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Lee Wilson wrote:

>     I have a machine that is getting flooded with ping requests to the point
> where it's saturating our T1 line.  I don't want to turn off pings to the
> entire class C IP block with our firewall, but I'm not sure
> 1) how to turn off pings to a single IP address
> 2) if turning off pings at a single IP address will stop our T1 from being
> saturated anyway.
> Anyone have any advice on how to handle the problem?

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