> > >
> > > I recently switched isp's and got a static ip now a very strange
> > > has surfaced on my box. I am running pretty much stock 6.1. now all of
> > > sudden when I try to download a file from an ftp site , it will die at
> > > 144k every time no mater what ftp program I use or what user
> > > root) there is plenty of drive space. and the same thing happens when
> > > try to login to the ftp server from an remote site and put the file
> > > here. I can howerver download fine from websites, but netscape dose
> > > same thing if it try's to download from a ftp site. Dose anyone have
> > > clue on what could be causing this?
> >

Not sure if this is your problem.

I saw a similar problem way back with RedHat 5.0 when I first set it up to
into my ISP.  It was a static IP also.  Although I doubt it makes a

Back then I used the RedHat control panel's network button to configure my
dialup.  I had pauses during ftp's also.

What I ended up discovering was that I had the "Escape Control Characters"
option checked.  Not sure the specifics on what it does, but I assume it
tries to
interpret escape control codes.  HTTP will be pure ASCII text, but FTP is
to actually use binary.  Turning that back off fixed it for me.

Look for this option however you configured your PPP device.  The RedHat
Control-Panel is still in Mandrake.  Just type "control-panel".

Its been awhile since I messed with PPP since I now have a cable modem.

Good luck,


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