> I picked up an 18G Western Digital drive today that hangs off the Ultra66
> interface of my BP6 board.
> I've taken a rather circuitous route in putting this drive into service
> because it doesn't appear that the 6.1 CD uses a boot kernel that recognizes
> the interface.  I ended up booting on my old drive, mounting the new one,
> and copying everything over.  That part went fine.
> In order to boot from the drive, I needed to get LILO into the MBR.  No
> problem, edit /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab and write the new boot block,
> right?  It looked that way.  I ended up with just 'LI' on the screen.
> Booted with the install CD and got that fixed up (remind me sometime to post
> about how to use the install CD for rescueing boot problems!)
> I've now got a system that shows only the /dev/hde (the new drive) being
> mounted, yet file accesses are _really_ going to the old /dev/hda.  Okay,
> boot with "linux root=/dev/hde3" and we're off.
> I edited /etc/lilo.conf and ensured that everything mentioned /dev/hde as
> well as ensuring that /etc/fstab was correcty.  Reran LILO and rebooted the
> system.
> All I get is 01's rolling through the screen.  I'm now just using "linux
> root=/dev/hde3" to boot my machine and use the new drive.  It'll work until
> I can get this sorted out...
> I'm sure it's something incredibly stupid, but what have I missed?
> --
> Steve Philp
> Network Administrator
> Advance Packaging Corporation

I've seen 01s before, on disks that were scored by air freight handlers  (just
got one in today on a Digital Celebris 6200.  the speaker was bounding around
inside, as well as a few other small parts.

The other suggestion I have heard is when your system and your BIOS think the
disk is configured in different ways, like Normal vs LBA or perhaps Large.

Could /dev/hda and /dev/hde have different logical arrangements?  If so, where
does the MBR booting you come from?

I have been working with someone who had


running in 6.0, in his lilo.conf

In 6.1, he had to hand edit lilo.conf to get root=/dev/hdc1 into it.  Once
there, it seemed to have no effect.


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