Thanks, doesn't look to me it has installed everything..

grep Upgrading upgrade.log|wc -l
grep Installing install.log|wc -l
cat installed.rpms|wc -l

It shows you originaly installed 458 packages, upgraded 361, and
Have currently 479 packages installed..

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Vanco, Donald wrote:

> Axalon -
>       Per your request -  please note that the output of the rpm -qa is
> representative of a system that's had a few updates since the 6.1 upgrade.
>       I'd also mention that my RPM database (while on 6.0) had a serious
> meltdown.  I do not know what caused the inaccuracy,  but depending on the
> operation I attempted it would tell me that a single RPM was either already
> installed (for install or upgrade) or not installed (for removal or
> freshening).  Running rpm --rebuilddb did nothing to resolve the issue.  I
> generally did a --force on those items I felt critical (after that -Uvh or
> -Fvh worked fine)
>       As far as the PCMCIA issue goes, the only thing I can think of is
> that I have a CardBus adapter - other laptops have installed 6.1 fine, but
> they've had 16-bit PCMCIA controllers....
> Don

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