Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:

> Don't do this to a linux partition though. It says it can handle it
> but it's destroyed many a file on my filesystem on every occasion I
> tried
> it. I ended up reinstalling linux.

Huh?   I have PMed ext2 partitions hundreds of times on many machines, 
with never even one problem.   With PM 3.0, 4.0, 4.01. 

But!    If you move a bootable Linux partition you must re-lilo it 
afterwards because the absolute disk addresses in the boot record for 
that partition will no longer be correct.

You just reboot that Linux from its floppy (you did keep it, didn't 
you?) and as superuser run lilo - it's as simple as that.

This essential information should be in the PM manual - but it is not.

Ron Stodden (AU)

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