On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > Since upgrading to 6.1 last week I can not get music output from my sound
> > blaster 16 non-pnp.  I've seen this problem mentioned, but was unable to
> > find a solution on the list or on deja.
> > 
> > Root access works fine, so I assume it's a permission problem with some
> > audio device.  It's croped up playing .wav's or music in myth2, single sound
> > effects work.  Could the /dev entry be bad?
> >
> Sounds like an obvious thing to check. Try checking the
> permissions on /dev/dsp and various other /dev items
> related to sound...
>       John

myth2 uses esound, esound requires the user tobe in group audio, how ever
device permissions shiped requireing users to be members of the audio

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