Try make dep clean bzImage && make modules && make modules_install && make

> >
> > I´m running Linux Mdk 6.1 on a Pentium 166 MMX with 128 Mb of RAM and a IDE
> > HD of 3,2 Gb for linux (another 2Gb IDE disk contains a DOS partition).
> > I´ve recompiled Linux kernel several times with other distributions. After
> > recompiling it with modules support in my Mandrake system (I´ve tried both
> > "make zImage" and "make bzImage"), I get a kernel a bit smaller than the
> > one installed by default (480k more or less) which is normal, but when I
> > try to update the MBR with lilo (at the prompt or via Klilo), it "usually"
> > gives me the following message: "kernel is too big" and I cannot update the
> > boot list (which by now contains two options: old linux kernel and dos).
> > I said "usually" becuase once lilo could update the boot list, but when i
> > choosed the new kernel to boot (at the beginnig of the boot sequence, i.e.
> > lilo prompt), the system rebooted again (and again if i had choosed the
> > same option).
> > Does anybody has had the same problem? Any idea about the reason why lilo
> > doesn´t work?
> --
> John J. LeMay Jr.

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