Alexander Kirillov on Mon, 1 Nov 1999 wrote:

>       No, I was never able to get this damn font selector utility to
> select koi8-r fonts right either. I believe it was reported as a bug
> in KDE bug system long ago (I do not remeber details)-- apparently it
> was never properly fixed. Or maybe, soemthing is wrong with my
> configuration as well...  This is why I am using emacs as my MUA.

Hi, Sasha, thank you for answering.

I'm using RMAIL on emacs too... But kmail is used by my father on his account.
Kmail was, actually, the only MUA I can suggest to a "novice" user - it
has visually clear UI, and handles MIME and attachements well ( last reason
is important for me, too - I couldn't configure Emacs to cope with
attachements ).

If fact, I did succeed with cyrillic fonts, but using brutal force:

1. Put /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic:unscaled as the *first* entry in

2. Set all 3 entries in the "Language" section of KDE to "Default (C)"

Then, by some unsertain reason, KDE applications choose several fonts
of "any" charset to be the first available fonts, i.e. russian.

However, in this case KMail writes "Text/plain" in MIME-type without
encoding information, which causes problems at the recipient side.

Besides, supplied cyrillic fonts are marked as 100dpi, and I have 75,
so my previously nice desktop is filled with S O  L A R G E letters...


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