:>I've been corresponding with an Assisant Dean at a large teaching
:>university who is pulling hair out over NT and the fact that the latest
:>required M$ patch <Y2k> fouled 600 machines. 
:>I suggested that since Linux is stable enough to run Hotmail and the UK
:>perhaps thinking about Linux in terms of the future might be something
:>to consider. I offered a few Linux sites as points of reference. 
:>I found the following comments particularly revealing..but then I am new
:>to land of the penguin.  

I am at the university, and I can assure you that you will find a lot of
Linux machines on the campus - especially in the physics department.
However, outsice of the technical-oriented faculties, Linux machines are
still very rare. 

:>if i were to recommend linux on the desktop tomorrow, i would be looking
:>for a new job the next day... that has nothing to do with my sense of
:>where linux is going and how fed up i am with microsoft."

Well... I am looking for a new job today. And I did recomend Linux on
desktop few years ago... However, we do run Linux on desktop today, so
there is no obvious connection between these two. .-)

My advice:

If you want to make Linux-on-desktop possible, start replacing the Word &
co. with Star-Office or WordPerfect on Windoze machines. Another approach
would be to get a campus licence for vmware, or INSIST on RTF beeing
the "standard" formate for documents exchange. (LaTeX would be even better .-)

As long as the newest M$ word format is a "standard", you are DOA with
anything but M$ stuff.

Denis Havlik  |||   http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
             (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

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