Although I've seen this security info also, I wish that Mandrake would get
off their duff and post this info in a more "timely" manner.  It's been a few
days.  I realize that RH and Mandrake are similar, they should at the very
least announce a fix, and if you can use the RH fix, then fine..., but say

Some background info: I recently switched from SuSE 6.1 to Mandrake 6.5 (ala)
6.1, and everything is well, minus some definate bug(s) regarding netscape.
(browse all day..., fine, check mail, type in password, click OK and poof!)
This is my home box btw.

The ONLY thing updated here is tossing out a 2.0 and a 2.5GB hd in favor of a
10.0GB Maxtor. (7200rpm varmit)  Btw, SuSE works fine, and so does NS. (?)
All patches applied, minus the kernel updates.

<rant mode off> ;)



On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Some security advisories that may or may not affect Mandrake users...
> (?)
> -------------------------------------------
> RedHat: Red Hat, Inc. Security Advisory
> <>  - It is
> recommended that all users of bind upgrade to the latest packages

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