On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> I was looking at getting a new hard drive and was wondering if someone can help
> me with my large drive dilema. I'd like to get a Maxto UDMA 66 36.5gig drive,
> but I'm not sure I can get it to partion and work properly. I'd like to install
> the following OS's on it with these approximate parition sizes:
> Win98 6gig
> BeOS 2gig
> Linux 10gig
> Scratch OS (such as WIn2000, Caldera/Redhat Linux) 4 gig
> The rest of the drive space will be for files, etc. Can someone help with a
> partitioning scheme so I can boot these OS's without a floppy (i.e. is there
> some kind of workaround so I can have all boot sectors under the 1024 limit, or
> is there a way I can place them above that constraint?) BootMagic (included
> with PartitionMagic) just won't hack it. Thanks!

Place several small partitions (10-20 M or so) at the beginning of the drive,
for Linux's /boot partitions. The rest of the OS can go on another partition.
Your partitioning would look like this

10M     boot for  Win98
10M     boot for BeOs
10M     boot for Linux
10M     boot for Scratch
5.99G   Win98
1.99G   BeOs
9.99G   Linux
3.99G   Scratch


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