I downloaded Fortify and applied it against the Mandrake
supplied netscape4.61.

It behaves almost exactly like the netscape4.7- 128bit

after I go to and click
[pick here]under the fourth bullet it takes me to a log on screen
after accepting 8 cookies.

on Windows I get a logon screen at this point that
has a place to enter account and pin that is overlayed over
a picture kindof like the one on the homepage but bigger.

On Linux i get a blank screen. and after accepting 8 more cookies
i get a logon screen without the background picture.
(the Fortifyed version resolves the characters in the "submit"
button when 4.7 does NOT)

After entering my account information, picking submit, and accepting 8
more cookies I get a blank screen.
(on windows I get a menu on top of the affore mentioned
background picture)

After resizing the blank screen it immediately displays:

Data Missing

This document resulted from a POST operation and has expired from the
cache. If you wish you can repost the form data to
recreate the document by pressing the reload button.

What a mystery!!!

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