:>Had a look at the SANE web page. The Logitech Scanman color is not listed.
:>Does it mean that my scanner is not supported.

That means that it is probably not supported well. If it is a paralel-port
device, it probably isn't supported at all. Sugestion:

1) Ask the Logitech, and complain about lack of support. 
2) ask the sane developers.

(1) will probably not bring you far, but it is good for logitech & for you  
to make them clear there is a dissatisfied customer. Basically, the reason
why something is not supported can be either that the company is unwilling
to pass the documentation, or that noone cares to write a driver because
the device is extremely rare. Usually it is the former.

Denis Havlik  |||   http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
             (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

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