On Sun, 28 Nov 1999,  Steve Philp wrote:

> Here's a nasty little secret I've never seen documented anywhere.  To
> get the absolute smallest installation, just unselect ALL of the group
> choices (like GNOME Desktop, KDE Desktop, Network Management, Kernel
> Development, etc) during installation.  You will get a minimum booting
> system that works very nicely for building onto.

I needed a remote DNS server, and I did a similar trick
with RedHat 4.2.  After I got done, I went thru it and
zapped all sorts of stuff.... uneeded libraries, docs,
etc.  Rather than deleting, it is better to rename it
so it can be put back together if you need to.

Sometimes something vital is taken out and it won't work,
not even to fix it.  No problem.  Take the drive out and
hook it as a second drive in another Linux machine, mount
it and do the editing to fix it.

Lucky for me, on that DNS, I did not encounter THAT problem,
but with hardly any work at all (maybe two hours from
start of the 4.2 install to having it working as a DNS)
I got it shrunk to about 28 MB, and put the whole thing
on an old 40 MB hard drive.  Way I did that, once I got
it working on a large drive, I just copied the drive over
to the 40 MB unit, made the 40 the master drive, booted
from floppy, ran LILO and bingo, its done.

There are several IDE interfaced solid-state drives out
there, and although I have not tried one yet, it should
make for a very reliable server!  No moving parts!
See http://www.sandisk.com

Ramon Gandia ============= Sysadmin ============== Nook Net
http://www.nook.net                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
285 West First Avenue                     tel. 907-443-7575
P.O. Box 970                              fax. 907-443-2487
Nome, Alaska 99762-0970 ==== Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525

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