Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear Ramon and friends:
> For the record, I uninstalled Sun's SO51a (and deleted the .sversionrc
> in my home directory plus deleted the entire Office51 directory) and
> installed the earlier StarDivision S051 version that came with my
> Mandrake PowerPack. It's an rpm which installs as root into /opt and
> then you have to install it again as user with special Registration
> (actually "Media") Key (thus 158 meg X 2 = twice the usual disk space).

Well... let me explain something as I understand it...
If you install StarOffice 5.1 as root, all the user in the lan can have
access to it
just using a minimal installation on their side. you have that choice at
installation time.

Or you can just install it ONCE as user, so using only 158mb.
no need to isnatall it twice, unless you desire to do so.

am I right?

I am using the same RPM file, the one that came in the full Mandrake Power
Pack... hmmmm
and have experienced no problems at all.

have you looked at file permissions or have you installed the new package
msec by any chance?
just curious.

> At any rate, same exact problem, same exact error messages. Can't save
> or backup files.
> I am up the creek. What do I do?
> This sounds to me like a very simple configuration or permissions
> problem. Or else it's something else that's generating the "permissions
> error message. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to solve it. If you
> have any idea what's going on here, please let me know.
> My thanks to everyone who has tried to help.
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web


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