On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Civileme wrote:
> > William Ahern wrote:
> > 
> > > We have a box serving as a router/ipmasq, smb/cifs server, webserver,
> > > sql server, and email and dns host. this box has two nic's, one w/
> > > a private address, the other with a public. every once in awhile
> > > nothing can be accessed via the private address and/or the public address.
> > > when this happens, i can't telnet to the private address (it just hangs), but
> > > i can to the public. ipmasq continues to work (all the pc's have private
> > > addresses and can access the internet fine), but nobody can send or receive
> > > email internally (externally 'netstat' shows incoming connections fine, when
> > > netstat doesn't freeze). Also, when this occurs i usually cannot get netstat or
> > > ipchains to list anything; they usually both hang.
> Also make sure your useing the "-n" parm on both of those
yep. netstat -n. i do an nslookup from outside our network and everythiing
resolves fine, too.

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