On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> After using Linux for about five years now I finally have to throw myself 
> on the mercy of the group.  I am at a complete loss as how to use 
> permissions.  I am currently running Mandrake/Venus.
> As root I have added a new user, smolnar, and made him a member of the 
> group users in /etc/group:
>       users::100:smolnar
> When I do a listing of / I find that most of the subdirectories are 
> accessable, however some are not.  For example I have an entry:
>       msdos drwx------ root root 1024 19:43 09.12.1999
> If I understand 'Linux:  Getting Started' correctly, the directory msdos 
> belongs to root and may be accessed by root and no one else.
> I want to give access to msdos to the new user, smolnar..  What command(s) 
> do I issue, and what is the syntax, while logged in as su?
> Thanks in advance.
Edit your /etc/fstab to add the keyword "user" to that mount point.

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