"John P. Wilson" wrote:
> I'm using netcfg to connect to my ISP.  I'm having some weird problems,
> however.
> I can use nslookup to get DNS information fine.  But if I telnet, I get to
> [fuzzylogic:~/.gnome/panel.d/default]$ telnet my.isp.com
> Trying
> Connected to my.isp.com.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> and then it hangs.  No "SunOS 5.6" or login prompt or anything.  The modem
> lights just sit there, not blinking (aside from the flurry of blinking
> when I first connect.)

It's likely the remote system looking for ident and DNS information. 
Most systems are setup to check that an incoming connection is allowed
to connect (/etc/hosts.allow, hosts.deny).  After that, most will
attempt to do an ident lookup on the remote user to get info for the

I'd look at the logs on the remote system to see what's hanging things

Steve Philp, MCSE / MCP+I
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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