> I have installed KDE-1.1.2 on my Mandrake/Venus system (I attempted to install
> Helios, but it was such an unmitigated disaster that I reverted to Venus after
> about two weeks of frusration - but that's a separate tale of woe).
> The problem is that if I click on an rpm kpackage opens and then immediatly
> closes.  Yet it works if I open it with Alt-F2.
> Another problem is that Find FIle doesn't work.  If I attempt to use it I get
> two Kprocess errors:
>         Cann't start kpkg
>         Cann't start kiss
> Pointers to the solution(s) to the problem(s) will be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> ---

This is an "upgrade" problem.  It appears to be similar to trying to upgrade from
Venus to Helios.  It would appear, as a guess, that there is a support library
out there yet which is for KDE 1.1.

Speaking from personal experience, Helios is superior to Venus for stability and
capability, but upgrades are fraught with difficulties.  Best to back up the data
you want to keep and do a fresh install.  Also, watch out for XFree 3.3.5 which
defaults video drivers to accelerated which used to be non-accelerated.  I had
difficulty with some Trident 3DI985 cards because they needed to be run in
"noaccel" even though the driver now supports acceleration.  The cheap video
cards didn't support the accelerated mode themselves which left windows without
borders and with fragmented text.


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