
I'm resending this message (a third time) because I have never seen it show
up on the mailing list.  If anybody else has been seeing these messages,
please send me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I won't send it
anymore. Thanks!  Now, here's the original message...

In order to get my pci modem (not a winmodem) to work under Linux, I found
some information on the web to add the following to the startup files:

> exec setserial /dev/ttyS4 irq 9 port 0xb000 ^fourport ^auto_irq skip_test
> autoconfig spd_vhi

This works great, now I can use my modem.  The only problem is, when I
either add this to a startup file, or enter the setserial command (without
the exec) straight from the command line, it causes my modem to dial up
right there and then.  I can then disconnect and use the modem like normal,
until I have to reboot ofcourse.

Does anybody have any idea why this command is causing my modem to dial?


Best regards,

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