:>> How can I stop X from starting when I see the login?
:>Reboot and type "linux 3" at the LILO prompt. This will put
:>you at a console log-in rather than the GUI log-in you're
:>used to.

Just for completenes - there is another way to do it: 

If you wait long enough after a "normal" power-up, you will see
"raspawning too fast, disabled for 5 minutes" message, when your computer
gives up starting X. Then you have 5 minutes to log-in on a virtual
console, and type "telinit 3" to get in the 3-rd runlevel (no X).

While you are at it, edit the /etc/inittab and set "default runlevel" to
3, until you are done with setting up X again...


Denis Havlik  |||   http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
             (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

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