On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Thanks.  Any idea how I can boot back into Linux to make the modifications to fstab?
> The boot process stops/freezes when it gets to trying to mount.
Boot & Rescue combo or tomsrtbt single-floppy linux disk.
Then, mount your existing setup to somewhere like /mnt on
the floppy and then type "chroot /mnt". This will put you
back into your "home" system and you can edit and make
changes as necessary on this system. After making any
changes to /etc/fstab, you should remember to type
"sync" to write the changes to the hard drive. Also, if you
make any changes to LILO, you will also need to rerun lilo.
Then, just reboot. Just don't forget to sync first! :-)

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