've certainly got a point.  I've installed Air (7.0)
on three machines and attempted to install it on a fourth.  I've
since removed it from the first machine as that was just a dry
run on a machine with some disc space, to test the release for
major install problems before I committed my main system to the
new release.  

I next installed Air (7.0) on my main machine, in an extra
partition to further test it. Then, when I experienced no
problems, I installed it over 6.1 on that machine and am now
using Air (7.0) as my main system.  

Next I installed Air (7.0) over Helios (6.1) on my modem server
and had to remove it and reinstall 6.1 because of problems with
7.0's ppp.  

Finally I attempted an Air (7.0) install on my wife's machine
over her Venus (6.0) installation.  It failed at the point of
initializing the cdrom.  I made a boot disc to use the text
install and it failed too, at initializing the cdrom.  I then
installed Helios (6.1) on that machine (to see if it would have
any problems) without a hitch.  

So, I agree that there are definitely major problems with the
Air (7.0) release.


Ron Stodden wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Civileme wrote:
> > I wrote it to suggest we ask the folks at Mandrakesoft to invest a small
> amount  of time into preplanning the next release with some of us.  Even a
> few chat sessions online to plan the testing/standards/objectives, to
> imagineer it if you will, would improve the relations between Mandrake and
> some of the testers and users which seem to be becoming strained in the
> headlong rush to move product.     Quality of what is moved is equally
> important to getting it on the shelf.
> Of course.     Above all, satisfied customers are the only route to success.
> It really is just that simple.  BUT, first you have to learn to listen and
> expand your inventory of perspectives.
> I have no alternative but to wait for L-M 7.1.   7.0 was just some kind of
> botched rehearsal.
> --
> Regards,
> Ron. [AU] - sent by Linux.

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