I added RH 6.1 to my mix of Mandrake 6.0 and Win98. Here
is the layout:

/dev/hda1  - win98
/dev/hdb1 - Mandrake /boot
/dev/hdb2 - Mandrake /
/dev/hdc  - CDROM
/dev/hdd1 - RH /boot
/dev/hdd2 - RH /

I have lilo installed on /dev/hda , and I'm able to
boot LM and 98, but I can't get lilo working correctly
to allow me to boot RH. I am thinking that I need to
do the following:

add the following to /etc/lilo.conf (on LM)


Then, try to install lilo onto /dev/hdd . I tried,
while booted into LM, using the -r and -C options w/
lilo to install it onto /dev/hdd , but was unable
to do so. Does anyone have the patience to let me
know what is the best way to get lilo configured?


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