Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear Ramon and friends:
> My thanks to Ramon and other gurus for your evaluation of Mozilla 13. As
> a non-techie, it is all too easy for me to be won over by the lovely
> design and shiny chrome. It's good to know that what's under the hood
> still needs a lot of work. I am, of course, disappointed to know that
> Mozilla 13 is not yet ready for prime time, but truth, in the long run,
> never hurt anybody. Let's hope the Mozilla folks continue to improve
> their new Communicator.

That is the whole problem, Ben.  Communicator was never a good
product, for either Windows or Linux.  The code on Communicator
has been in the 13MB to 20 MB depending on version.  

Mozilla right now has a fairly light footprint, about 4 MB, but
that is not the Netscape 5.0 they talk about.  Netscape 5.0
will use Mozilla as the BASIS.  then they will add all of the
Shopping stuff to it and get it up to 15MB just watch.

A much better approach would have been to base Mozilla on the
old Netscape Navigator 3.x.  Just change the Java engine on it
and aways to go.  Unfortunately, bloatware and commercialism
killed that idea.  Netscape Corporation directed the Mozilla
project and told it what the end result needed to be.

This looks to me like a project that is not going to be very
good.  Specially for Linux.  Does anyone know if the Mozilla
source code database contain the Netscape 3.x source code?  I
haven't found it, and I doubt it is there.

Ramon Gandia  ---    Sysadmin  ---
285 West 1st Avenue              ISP for Western Alaska
P.O. Box 970                          tel. 907-443-7575
Nome, Alaska 99762                    fax. 907-443-2487

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