On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Lyle wrote:

> I have been playing with SAMBA here with Linux and found that there are
> known problems<GRIN> with it.  Recently Microsoft changed the algorithm used
> to encrypt passwords(WinNT SP3) and SAMBA hasn't caught up with that.  You
> need to enable plain text passwords on your Windows machines and this
> problem should go away.

This is misinformation.

First of all, you used "recently" and to refer to "WinNT SP3".  Huh?
SP3 is several years old now.  That's not recently, especially in the
computer industry.

Secondly, samba does work with encrypted passwords and WinNT and any
service pack (up to and including SP6 in my personal experience).

> See Microsoft technical articles #Q187228 and Q166730 for the registry
> entries to enable plain text passwords.(which are not really plain text, but
> that's another subject)

Don't enable plain text passwords unless you really need to.  Read the
samba documentation to learn when it may be necessary to enable plain text

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:26 PM
> Subject: [expert] SMB Help Please.
> Here's the deal, I'm able to use gnomba to see the NT computer on the NT 
> network that I want to mount. I've got user access to this computer. But 
> when I give it my username and password, it refuses to let me in. So I 
> thought this might be a problem with gnomba and decided to use the smbmount 
> command. It gave back a positive name query response from the correct NT box
> and then asked for a password. When I entered in the correct password for my
> username I got the following response back:
> session setup failed : ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (ACCESS denied.)
> smbmount: login failed
> Could not umount /mnt/share: Device or resource busy
> smbmount: exit
> Now /mnt/share is the directory I set up to mount the share directory from 
> the NT box. I'm guessing because of the previous errors the smbumount 
> command could not dismount this drive right away. Are my acces problems due 
> to my SAMBA or to the NT network I'm connected to?
> I'm running Mandrake 6.1 on a 133 Mhz pentium DELL computer. Any Ideas? 
> Please don't say contact the SAMBA people because I am never able to get an 
> answer from them.
> Thanx,
> SA
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