Try and get an answer from SAMBA. Good luck. I've tried that already
and got ZERO response. The reason why I posted it here was because
this was a problem with the smb bundled with LM 6.1. Since I couldn't find 
help from SAMBA I decided to ask this group of Knowledgable folks. Plus, the 
purpose of this group is not only for Mandrake problems, which there are 
quite a few with the new 7.0 release, but it is also to help expand the 
general knowledge of linux, since Mandrake is nothing more than a 
distribution of linux and really doesn't have much in the way of proprietary 

Anyways, I digress, I think I might have discovered the problem I'm having 
with SAMBA and wanted to run this by everyone. Since I'm talking to a NT box 
on an NT network with a Linux box and SAMBA use tcp/ip to do this, I 
realized that my NT username and logon password only worked on the main NT 
domain, and the Box I'm trying to talk to is on a seperate IP block. Since 
my Linux box and this NT box are on the same IP block and the NT network is 
on a different IP block, the box is not recognizing my NT username and 
password. I realized this when I tried to logonto this NT box through the 
box itself on the Box's domain instead of the NT domain. So how do I create 
a seperate local network between My Linux box and this NT box? As you can 
tell my NT knowledge is very low. Any help with this problem would be gretly 

>From: Todd Pfaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [expert] SMB Help Please.
>Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 13:01:35 -0500 (EST)
>what "security=" setting do you have in your smb.conf file?
>do you have an smbpasswd file?
>have you set the smbpasswd for each user?
>these are general samba questions which would be better directed to the
>samba mailing list since they are not specific to mandrake.
>i run samba-2.0.6 on several mandrake systems (6.1 and 7.0) but i built my
>samba installation from source rather than using the supplied rpm.
>On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Lyle wrote:
> > Todd & all;
> >
> > I was NOT able to get SAMBA to work with WinNT or Win98 until I enabled
> > plain text passwords.  This was with the Samba included with LM 6.0.  I
> > tried encrypted passwords yes and no in the SAMBA config and it just 
> > did not work.  WinNT SP3 was when Microsoft changed their password
> > encryption and that's why I mentioned SP3.  This new password scheme has
> > been included in Win95 patches and is now in Win98.
> >
> > If I am doing something wrong, please give me some constructive answers.
> >
> > Lyle
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Todd Pfaff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 7:55 AM
> > Cc: Lyle
> > Subject: RE: [expert] SMB Help Please.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Lyle wrote:
> >
> > > I have been playing with SAMBA here with Linux and found that there 
> > > known problems<GRIN> with it.  Recently Microsoft changed the 
> > used
> > > to encrypt passwords(WinNT SP3) and SAMBA hasn't caught up with that.  
> > > need to enable plain text passwords on your Windows machines and this
> > > problem should go away.
> >
> > This is misinformation.
> >
> > First of all, you used "recently" and to refer to "WinNT SP3".  Huh?
> > SP3 is several years old now.  That's not recently, especially in the
> > computer industry.
> >
> > Secondly, samba does work with encrypted passwords and WinNT and any
> > service pack (up to and including SP6 in my personal experience).
> >
> > > See Microsoft technical articles #Q187228 and Q166730 for the registry
> > > entries to enable plain text passwords.(which are not really plain 
> > but
> > > that's another subject)
> >
> > Don't enable plain text passwords unless you really need to.  Read the
> > samba documentation to learn when it may be necessary to enable plain 
> > passwords.
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Sean Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 2:26 PM
> > > Subject: [expert] SMB Help Please.
> > >
> > >
> > > Here's the deal, I'm able to use gnomba to see the NT computer on the 
> > > network that I want to mount. I've got user access to this computer. 
> > > when I give it my username and password, it refuses to let me in. So I
> > > thought this might be a problem with gnomba and decided to use the
> > smbmount
> > > command. It gave back a positive name query response from the correct 
> > box
> > >
> > > and then asked for a password. When I entered in the correct password 
> > my
> > >
> > > username I got the following response back:
> > > session setup failed : ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (ACCESS denied.)
> > > smbmount: login failed
> > > Could not umount /mnt/share: Device or resource busy
> > > smbmount: exit
> > >
> > > Now /mnt/share is the directory I set up to mount the share directory 
> >
> > > the NT box. I'm guessing because of the previous errors the smbumount
> > > command could not dismount this drive right away. Are my acces 
> > due
> > > to my SAMBA or to the NT network I'm connected to?
> > > I'm running Mandrake 6.1 on a 133 Mhz pentium DELL computer. Any 
> > > Please don't say contact the SAMBA people because I am never able to 
> > an
> > > answer from them.
> > > Thanx,
> > > SA
> > >
> > > ______________________________________________________
> > > Get Your Private, Free Email at
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
> > ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
> > McMaster University                   \
> > Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \
> >
>Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
>ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
>McMaster University                   \
>Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \

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