ok I did that,  for user pablo in directory /home/pablo

I made a directory public_html  I did a chmod 0755 public_html
I just get a denied message

So I did a chown nobody  and a chgrp nobody on the directory
same thing
then I did the same on the /home/pablo directory and it works,
but then since pablo isn't the owner of his own directory his ftp doesn't work

so  what is the next step.

Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

> The Apache is set up to serve personal web pages in:
> /home/user/public_html
> I do not suggest a ".www" directory, since many ftp clients do not list
> directories with a dot before them.
> Just create the public_html directory in each of your user's file, then
> chmod it to 0755 so it's world readable.
> Or, better, if you want to create this directory automagically each time
> you add a new user, add the directory in /etc/skel.
> Jean-Michel Dault
> On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Timothy Litwiller wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 09:51:10 -0600
> > From: Timothy Litwiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: expert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [expert] apache and imap configuration
> >
> > How do I change the configuration so that users can post web pages?
> >
> > for example I would like to put a .www directory in each users directory
> >
> > /home/user/.www
> >
> > How do I make apache see these directories, do I have to add each one to
> > the httpd.conf files or is there some way that it will work
> > automatically.
> >
> > My ISP does something like this but doesn't seem to want to answer
> > questions about how to setup something similar.  to get to a users web
> > page on my isp we have a url like this.  www.myisp.com/~user  and when
> > ftping files in we have to make sure they get in the .www directory for
> > them to be seen.
> >
> > Any suggestions are welcome.
> > Thanks.
> >

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