How about sending us your ppp-on script, particularly your pppd command
with all of its switches?  At one point, I had this exact problem and
fixed it.

my pppd line looked like this:

exec /usr/sbin/pppd name "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" debug lock modem
crtscts /dev/modem 115200 default-asyncmap mtu 576 kdebug 5
$LOCAL_IP:$REMOTE_IP noipdefault netmask $NETMASK defaultroute connect

If I recall clearly, it was the 'default-asyncmap' line which fixed
things.  I removed the existing 'asyncmap' parameter and 'escape'
parameter from my script when I installed the 'default-asyncmap'
setting.  Good Luck.


Chunnuan Chen wrote:

> John wrote:
>>       Hello Support: This is my second time requesting this.Its
>>      been almost 48 hours now. Are you all supporting this
>>      product or not?I just purchased Linux Mandrake 7.0 from
>>      Best Buy, OS installed great, however, I am experiencing
>>      the following when trying to dial-up with my modem. Almost
>>      I spoke with my ISP, who said they do not support LCP
>>      extentions.
>>          When trying to get a network connection going with
>>      pppd/chat, the
>>          chat script finishes, but then pppd fails every time
>>      with:
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Serial connection established.
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Using interface ppp0
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2
>>      ...pppd[1683]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Connection terminated.
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Received serial link is not 8-bit clean:
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
>>      ...pppd[1683]: Exit.
>>      What can I do about this? Help please!
>>      Thanks,John F. McClinton
> I don't know if my answer will solve your ISP connection problem. I am
> just trying to help. The had a very hard time setting up my first
> modem connecting to my university ISP. I got something similar to what
> you had, e.g., LCP: timeout sending.... all had bit 7 set to 0. I
> still don't fully understand the problem, but I found out the chat
> script I used had something wrong after I looked the dial-up scripts
> on Windows NT. OK, here is my case:
> my school ISP used a login dailogue like:
>           username: XXXX
>           password: XXXX
> but my original chat script used something like:
>         login: XXXX
>         password: XXXX
> After made a change from login to username, the connection was good.
> Chunnuan

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