Please forgive me if this is not the place for this type of question,
but lead me in the right direction.

Recently I had the Idea that in order to learn about security of my
computer while on the internet, I decided to learn from those who are
also concerned about the security of my system, only in a different
perspective.  istarted reading about hacking and have seen how easy it
would be to get into my own system.  I would not be surprised if I have
already been hacked on.

Any way, on to my question.  I recall reading that you can change the
names of commands in the shell.  For instance you could make ls -l into
lsl to simplify things.  Well since to hack into a system, you would
need to use some basic commands, like ls and cd etc., would you be able
to change these commands to a different command (give the command a
different name) like cd would become nohack or some other random name.
Thus a hacker would not be able to get around in your system because it
doesn't know the commands to do so.  Now the big question, if you change
the commands on your machine, will your machine still recognise the
standard commands issued by the other machine to yours?

I have a way of expressing a simple idea with too many words for

Thanks for your patience and help.


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