On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> 1.  FIC PAG 2130 with AMD K6-2 and 128M RAM Built-in Cyberblade (Trident) video
> and "SB-compatible:" sound on the SouthBridge  VIA MVP4 Chipset
> GRaphical install worked.  Sound reported "device or resource busy"  Tried
> three more installs with different BIOS settings for enabling/disabling sound. 
> Tried Lother, which also saw the sound, but could not make it audible.
> Video was twitchy.  640x480 at 16 bit depth was all the install would do. 
> After playing with the graphical configurator for a while, I managed to get a
> flickering 1024x768 at 32 bit.  Strangely enough, Xconfigurator on LM 6.1
> working with this board found a non-flickering 1024x768 in 32 bit depth the
> first time.
> 2.  S3 Trio 64V+ with 2 Meg...  Vanilla sound card (ESS1688) Cyrix 686MX PR-200
> processor on an Antec Motherboard using the 430 TX intel chipset.  Stayed in
> text install.  Froze "in second stage install"  and this was from a boot off
> the CD-ROM.  CD was a vanilla 24X and HDD was WD24300.  Only other hardware
> present was an RTL8029 NIC.  This one was running SuSE 6.1.
> 2a.  Trident 9440 video substituted Came up in graphics this time, but froze
> "in second stage install" again.
> 2b.  Switched to a Cyrix 686-PR200+ Processor and dropped the bus speed to 66,
> making it essentially a 686-pr166+  Graphical install started working.  This is
> probably an artifact of the TX chipset overclocking the PCI bus when it is
> pushed past 66MHz  (but why did SuSE work?).
> I have had more difficulty with Cyrix Processors under Mandrake than I can
> properly deal with.  I still have two machines that won't update (Cyrix GXi-S
> types) because, while Mandrake will install, the update packages claim "this is
> for a different architecture".  Moreover, in the linuxmall ads, it is posted
> that there are issues with Mandrake and Cyrix processors and that while a patch
> exists, it was never made available on the Mandrake sites.
> I have machines running 686MX-PR200 processors running L-M 6.1 using terrible
> chipsets, but not the Intel 430TX, which seems to be in a category by itself. 
> Strangely, the TX Chipset can be used to advantage at 75MHz bus speed with a
> K6-233 running at 3x bus speed, and LM 6.1 runs there as well, but it fails
> with a 686MX running at 2x 75MHz on the 430TX.  I am beginning to wonder if some
> instructions do a "not quite back to back" bus locking that evokes a version of
> the 686 coma bug which shows up only at the higher clock speed with the timing
> of the intel 430 TX chipset for the bus.
> Anyone have any similar experiences to share?
> Civileme

As a follow-up.  We froze again on SCSI detection in #2.  I hate Intel 430TX
chipsets!!!!  That same chipset is on the J-mark J5TX and the Shuttle HOT-569
which have also given me problems.

HOWEVER, after all this "not so good" news, I can report absolutely ZERO
problems installing on a Cyrix MEdiaGXi-S 200 on a board made in Hong Kong and
otherwise nameless.  This is not the full MediaGX chipset but just the MediaGX
processor with someone's conception of a compatibility chipset (and the board
with processor and fan sold for about $38), and an S3-VIRGE/DX and an ALS-001
(Avance) cheapie ISA Soundcard.  Looks snazzy except DrakX comes up in text
modes for most of the buttons.  Perhaps that has to do with a low security
setting.  (Hard-crunchy outside and soft, chewy center security model with no
routes in except through a masquerading firewall.)


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