Lee wrote :
> Does any one have a script ,that will enable an X client to connect to
> server and bounce back to Xclient
> Example:
> a: Host
> b: system 1
> c : system 2
> d: system 3
> I would like to be acle to display a,b,c system back to a , In different
> windows , and each windoe have a title:
> My example:
> export DISPLAY=:0.0
> xterm -title PROD -g 70X35+1+1 &

Hi Lee,
i once faced about the same problem. My solution is a shell-function (No
csh... use bash instead). It has some blurb to give a Login-name as
parameter or default to root:

========== copy into .bashrc or alike ============
suxt () {
  if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
    echo "No DISPLAY set!";
    return 3;
  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    U="-e su -l root";
    case $1 in 
       echo "U = $U\n UN = $UN"
       U="-e su -l $*"

rxvt -T "${HOSTNAME%%.*}:$UN" -fn 10x20 $U &

Hints: you can replace "rxvt -T " by "xterm -title " etc.

hope this helps,

Hans-Juergen Godau  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Raum: R09 R03 H18     fon: +49-201 183-4062     fax: +49-2011834067
FB5 -- Wirtschaftsinformatik der Produktionsunternehmen
Prof. Dr. Heimo H. Adelsberger
Uni GH Essen
Universitaetsstr. 9
D-45141 Essen
   _/_/_/   _/_/_/ We've all heard that if you have a million monkeys
      _/  _/       banging away at a million typewriters then sooner or
     _/  _/   _/_/ later one of them will write Hamlet.
_/  _/  _/     _/  We now know, thanks to the Internet,
 _/_/    _/_/_/    that this isn't true.

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