"Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D." wrote:
> First of all apologies to the Mandrake list for posting here rather than a
> Win95 list, I figure that I've got a better chance of getting an answer
> here than on a MS list.
> A very strange problem has surfaced this morning.  I have two machines on a
> LAN; Igor (a pentium ) and AbNormal (a K6-2/300).  Both machines run
> Win95.  AbNormal is my production Linux machine running Helios.  I had been
> running RedHat v4.1 on Igor.  I've just installed a new 20GB HD (not the
> one containing the boot sector) on Igor and installed Helios this morning
> on that drive, without any problems.  Now, whoever, if I try to use MS
> Explorer on Igor Win95 hangs while the Explorer is reading the C:
> VTOC.  The only response is CTRL-Alt-Del which opens the End Task window -
> clicking on end task really hangs Win95 and the only recourse is a warm boot.

<Pained look>  A corrupt registry would cause that problem.  I
know of no means to clean it.  One of the big reasons I stay
strictly away from windows is that the kernel does not seem to be
capable of maintaining the links in its own registry and
eventually trashes it.

Your config.sys and autoexec.bat files don't reveal too much
except that you have several logical drives.

> Some more confusion.  If I start Win95 in safe mode Explorer works.  Also,
> If I access Igor from AbNormal over the LAN using Explorer on AbNormal I
> can see all of the directories on all three HD's on Igor.  I copied
> Explorer.exe from AbNormal to Igor and that didn't solve the problem.  I
> also started Win95 one command at a time and got no warning or error messages.
> I would appreciate any help that anyone can give.  I really don't want to
> attempt the ultimate MS solution of reinstalling Win95.
> Are there any substitute file managers for Win95?
> Oh yes, finally, as far as I can tell everything is working on Igor.

Try www.radsite.com  They have neat software for Win95 at very
reasonabble prices.  I wrote an automated attendant using their
excellent VOCOM which develops in w95 and runs in DOS.  Yes, they
do have an explorer.

Or, for a freeware solution, login to your Air and use KDE
explorer--your W95 volume(s) should be acessible or mountable
with a tiny amount of DrakConf/Linuxconf work.

> Thanks in advance.


experimentation involving more than 500 trials with an
ordinary slice of bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter
has determined that the probability a random toss will
land sticky side down (SSD) is approximately .98

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