Security is set to medium...

Civileme wrote:
> "David G. Thiessen" wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I have tried adding more TTF fonts as detailed on the
> >
> > website and according to the instructions posted on the
> >
> > website, but I still cant seem to use these fonts in any of
> > my apps.
> >
> > When i use the KDE font manager, i dont see the new fonts.
> > when i use the gimp, the fonts are not usable.  When i use
> > WP8, i cant
> > use the fonts.
> >
> > I have looked at my /etc/X11/fs/config file, and i see the
> > fonts in the
> > path.  I have included the file below.
> >
> > Does anyone know what I could be doing incorrectly!???
> >


> Hmmm,
> May I ask what your current security setting is?  I have noticed
> some interaction between font paths and the higher settings.
> Civileme
> --
> experimentation involving more than 500 trials with an
> ordinary slice of bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter
> has determined that the probability a random toss will
> land sticky side down (SSD) is approximately .98

David G. Thiessen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         AIM: ThiessenDG
King George, VA                ICQ: 55163586

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