Rial Juan wrote:
> No you don't. xseti is not needed for a correct operation of setiathome. It's
> just some graphical output that slows down your computer while drawing nice
> graphics.
> On Mar 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > So where does one find the 'xseti' binary?  I downloaded the
> > setiathome binary and have it running with the -graphics flag, but I
> > need the companion program...
        Sorry, I should have said "want".  Yeah, I figured out it
was slowing things down alot by looking at top.  Nice to see what it's
doing though occasionally.  

        If I'm only running 1 instance of setiathome on a 2 processor
machine, I'm guessing running the display probably doesn't hurt performance
_that_ much -- depending on how you have 'nice' values set.

        Now it would be cooler on the xseti display if they resized
it according to whatever you size the Xwindow to be.  I tried their
fullscreen option -- bleh -- just drew blank space around the small
display.  Not greatly impressive.

        Too bad the source code isn't available -- I'd like to see
how they optimize it.  I wonder if some of the new PIII instructions
could be used to speed up the computations even further?

Linda A Walsh                    | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      | Voice: (650) 933-5338

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