On Sat, 04 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> John, try this:
> Edit your etc/conf.modules file and add the following if it's not there
> alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
> Save, reboot and see if your printing comes back. This may work, it used
> to on 6.1 machines.
Just checked. The alias you suggested is already there. I'll see if I
can find the parport_pc. Ok. I haven't found the correct version of
that module, but I *did* find the parport_pc.c. When I tried to
compile it it gives me TONS of screens of warnings, and, AFAICT, it
never completes, at least I can't find another parport_pc.o anywhere.

FWIW, I'm using Mandrake 6.0, kernel version 2.2.12 compiled from
stock sources.

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