> > I've installd FVWM2 on mandrake 7.0
> > after a fev houres fvwm2 lacks to react on clicks to the window-controll
> > (iconify, raise, close, resize) but it still works via the menue.
> >
> > After reinstalling fvwm somtimes the problem is fixed.
> >
> > Is this a possible vmware error?

> I don't know much about fvwm, but why do you think, that the behaviour you
> described has something to do with _VMWARE_ ?

I think he's associated the abbreviation for the window manager.

Juergen, FVWM2 is a window manager that controls your display in a particular

VMware is entirely different; it's software that lets you install Windows and
run it =as=a=window=in=Linux=.  In other words, Linux as the base OS and
Windows in a Linux window so you can run those pesky Windows apps in Linux!
Works good, but a bit slow.

Be advised, FVWM & -2 are rather old and very few people run them, so you will
have trouble with support.  Recommend KDE.  (Gnome still too buggy)
Carl A. Cook

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