On Wed, 08 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> >%_I have just installed Mamdrake 7.0, My network admin gave me an static
> ip.
> When I enterned the ip information and the etc. my system couldnt see
> the network.
> So I reloaded my system and selected DHCP. now my system will connect .
> But why is my hostname localhost.localdomain. ?
> How can I name my system it something other than localhost.localdomain.?

Easy. Edit your HOSTNAME file, or run LinuxConf and select your
"network" setup and change it there. I'm *guessing* the problem is
that your system is saying "Hi, I'm 'localhost.localdomain'" and your
gateway is saying "Heck, I don't know anyone by that name. Go away!"
Try configuring your Network and I'm guessing it'll work just fine.

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