On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Don't misunderstand me... I have nothing against the penguin console login
> screen. One of my customers has requested that the login screen appear more
> "professional".
> I sorta understand the blurb in rc.local that refers to /usr/bin/linux_logo
> and that it overwrites any "issue" file existing in /etc. I have no
> background in C and I think the linux-logo file is binary. I wish to do one
> of the following...
> 1) find a way to place my own ascii art on the login screen, or
> 2) prevent the re-writing of issue and call issue for the login screen.
> I have noticed that if I comment out the blurb in rc.local it doesn't call
> issue at all. Any solutions that a non-programmer can implement? Thanks in
> advance.

I think you mostly have it figured out. 

What you need to do is change the 

if [ -x /usr/bin/linux_logo ];then
                 /usr/bin/linux_logo -n -f > /etc/issue
                 echo "" >> /etc/issue             

in /etc/rc.d/rc.local     
   to something like

cat file_containing_what_your_client_wants_to_see_on_the_screen > etc/issue
echo "" >> /etc/issue

> p.s., after YGGDDRSL P&P, Slackware, RH and Debian I have found Mandrake to
> be the best distro for a robust machine.
(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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