> From: Wolfgang Bornath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 16:30 -0600, Norman Carver wrote:
> > Any idea what is going on??  Since my friend has to
> > use W98 frequently, he is not too thrilled about having
> > to remember to always turn his printer off between the
> > boots.
> I'll put that in my own simple words:
> When the printer is switched on it listens on both ports where
> the next signal is coming in.
> 1. You're in Win, printing via USB. Printer is listening on his
> USB port.
> ...
> Solutions:
> 1.
> Power down printer *before* you shut down Win or Linux. Reboot.
> Power on printer *after* your system (Win or Linux) is up.
> 2.
> Unplug the USB cable (printer must be powered off) and use only
> parallel in Win and in Linux. Don't forget to disable your USB
> port in BIOS.
> Downfall of this is, You lose extra speed and/or features in Win.
> ...

I guess I was not clear enough.  We did try your solution 2.
However, we are still having the problem that every reboot into
W98 results in the printer not working in Linux (unless it is
powered down prior to reboot)--even with only the parallel cable
connecting the PC and printer.

I can understand why having both the usb and parallel cables
connected to the printer might cause a problem, but I have a
hard time understanding how simply going into W98 causes the
printer to not work in Linux--since the bios is setting the
i/o and irq, and these are what both W98 and Linux are using.
Also, partport_probe appears to detectsthe printer, and reloading
parport_pc elicits a response (noise) from the pinter.  The
printer will not output anything however--even via redirection
to /dev/lp0.  Why?  W98 is not changing i/o or irq from what
the bios is set to do.  Also, we have tried loading parport_pc
both with and without the irq.  If the irq is set then parport_probe
notes it and says notes that the parport0 is interrupt driven.
If the irq is not set (the default from mdk conf.modules setup),
the port is listed as polling.  Printer will work either way--if
is has been powered down prior to reboot--but neither way if not
powered down.

Again, thanks for any further suggestions,

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