Thanks Civileme for the quick reply!
I can't believe it!  Another windoze "gotcha!"  is there any aspect of home
computing they
haven't tampered with to tilt the odds in their favor??  There are only
three ISP's here locally
and I have accounts with each.  Service is very bad and I have to go from
one to another to
get a connection to the "real world".  Things are improving we used to only
have one ISP and
if it was busy or the line was down you waited till later and tried again.
If there is a problem
and you call "tech support" they tell you to reinstall windoze, so finding
anyone who knows
about NetBIOS would be next to impossible.  I can't afford the long distance
charges to reach
a "real" ISP so I guess I'm stuck.  Thanks again for telling me what was
going on anyway.

----- Original Message -----
From: Civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] KPPP vs Win98

> Vern wrote:
> > Well here's maybe an easy one for you gurus to answer, I have thesame
> > internet hookup from Mandrake 7.0 and Win98, but the mdkconnect gets
> > "bumped" offline after 10-15 min. whether I'm browsingdownloading or
> > getting email/newsgroups. Any clues? What tweaksam I missing?  MTU's?
> > port speed?  don't know where to find outabout the UART's and buffers
> > in Linux yet, so I don't know.  I can stayhooked up to the same ISP's
> > for hours with Win98, I do know that theyall use Win NT servers (it
> > says so right in the details).  This may be oldstuff, but I haven't
> > run across it yet.Thanks in advance.Vern
> Find a different ISP.  This is a little NetBIOS check "to prevent IP
> spoofing" that Microsoft cheerfully supplies to brain damaged ISPs.  15
> minutes is the shortest interval I have heard of, but the symptoms are
> the same for cable modems and even some dsl's.  Or contact your ISP and
> see if you can find someone competent to disable this "feature" for
> you.  If they all have their MCSE's from the back of a matchbook,
> probably they will be unable to help you.
> Civileme

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