I have the Mandrake  Gold pack 2000, and am having some messy install
problems. One of these may have hit the list earlier, but I got sidetracked
into a lengthy discussion of security issues with Majordomo, and never saw it
:-(. Be kind to me - I joined the newbie list, but had to get off it because I
was supressing s great desire to flame stupid people for even more stupid

1. The Install disk (6.1) in the set screws up the hard disk. If I don't wipe
clean, I get kicked out of install and told to try rpm --rebuild, which finds
little or nothing .This was replaced with a 6.1 single cd version, and a 7.0
ditto, which apparently I was due.  How do I get to access the rpms in the
rpms disks in the gold pack? 

2. I want to install on my laptop, which has Suse 6.1 running - sort of (X
complains of a bug in the Dynamic Linker - Assertation failed or somesuch; the
kernel howls in fright and rapidly disables ALL dma on bootup, but everything
works). The floppy and cdrom are dead. I have access under  pcmcia to a scsi
cdrom using /etc/scsi.opts and the qlogic_cs driver. If I lose access to this
once, I'm dead in the water, as I can't even reinstall suse then

Can I install by adding the install kernel to my current lilo config? Loadlin
is not an option, as when it boots, I see no cdrom except the dud one. I have
access under Dos, but just 39 Megs free - hardly enough for a hd install. I can
access this cdrom (pcmcia-> scsi Panasonic KXL-D740) under Dos, and Windoze
finds it, but not the install. 

Can I install on my existing (2.2.5) kernel and get into the install routine on
the cdrom somehow?
It costs IE£225 to get a floppy & cdrom, but I can go to suse 6.3 for only £50.
Should I just shut up & buy suse?


        Declan Moriarty.

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